The Facing Project Wins a Mayor’s Arts Award

The organization is one of eight to receive the highest honor bestowed upon individual artists, teachers, non-profit organizations, and patrons of the arts by the City of Muncie

MUNCIE, IN—The Muncie Arts & Cultural Council, in coordination with the City of Muncie, held its 5th biennial Mayor’s Arts Awards on Saturday, September 30th at Southside Middle School. The Mayor’s Arts Awards recognizes and honors artists who have made a lasting impact on the City through their work.

Sixteen nominees were put forth and voted upon by a selection committee composed of members from Muncie’s arts, education, business, and public service sectors. Awards were presented in eight distinct categories: Arts Advocate, Arts Leader, Arts Educator, Corporate Arts, Artist in the Community, Next Generation Artist, Maker, and Lifetime Achievement. The Facing Project won the Corporate Arts category for its exemplary support of the arts within the Muncie area.

The Facing Project co-founder and president J.R. Jamison said, “This award is more than us; it’s for the thousands of people who have told and written and performed and organized stories through The Facing Project over the past decade. This award belongs to you, too! Thank you for helping us build a movement, and continually proving that stories are the most powerful tool for change.”

The full press release, including information on other winners, can be found at the Muncie Journal.


Founded in Muncie, Indiana, The Facing Project is a national nonprofit that creates a more understanding and empathetic world through stories that inspire action, and provides tools and a platform for individuals and communities to share their stories, connect across differences, and begin crucial conversations using their own narratives.

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