AcknowledgmentsFebruary 1, 2017To begin with, I would like to thank Professors Devin Bryson and Emily Adams, who…
Scene 11: The American DreamFebruary 1, 2017(Projection of the DRC and US flags.) NARRATOR: America. Land of the free, home of…
Scene 10: The American Workplace RevisitedFebruary 1, 2017CEPHAS: There are two reasons people come to the US—for security and a better economy.…
Scene 9: PoliticsFebruary 1, 2017RACHEL: I like the American Government. I like it because they give the candidates the…
Scene 8: Working in the ShadowsFebruary 1, 2017(NARRATOR begins and the cyc should light up with an ominous red color. The WORKERS…
Scene 7: MarriageFebruary 1, 2017JEFFREY: In Africa how the family is is very different. Here what your family is…
Scene 6: TrafficFebruary 1, 2017ANIMA: In the US you leave cars unlocked and no one touches them—and everyone has…
Scene 5: Cultural DifferencesFebruary 1, 2017YUHUA: Are Americans different than you thought they would be? HATEEYAT: It’s always different from…
Scene 4: The Things They CarriedFebruary 1, 2017SCENE 4: THE THINGS THEY CARRIED AKUA: What did I bring with me to the…
Scene 2: Jobs in the DRCFebruary 1, 2017NARRATOR: Life is precarious in a number of ways in the Congo. About 2/3 of…