If you could see into another’s world and hear their story, would you listen?

If you could see into another’s world and hear their story, would you listen?

This is the opening question we ask in our new promotional video for The Facing Project. Intern Amber (Griffin) put the video together as her culminating assignment before graduation, and we couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome. Amber reached out to past and current Facing participants from storytellers to writers to community partners, and pictures poured in of individuals and families holding up signs of what they “Faced” and what they’ve learned.

The video captures the work of The Facing Project through looking into the world of others and hearing their stories of survival, struggle, compassion, and of hope—creating a forced empathy; creating action.

This video is our story as a movement of connecting people and strengthening communities.

This video is individual stories of bravery.

This video is communities’ stories of impact.

What will be your story?

Join us.



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Featured Story of the Week: Souls for Sale
