Featured story of the week: All I Can Give


Haley’s story from Facing Autism is the featured story this week. Haley reminds us all to see the beauty and value in everything. Her busy life is full of love for her family and she explains how each of her children are unique gifts.

The world sees my sons as different and to other people that means they are defective or they need to be fixed, but truly they are beautifully and wonderfully made and they should be appreciated and celebrated for who they truly are.

Haley relies on her faith and we like her story so much because she is a normal mother and wife and just does everything she can for her family. She sees the value in just being alive.

Do I get tired? Yes. Do I get frustrated? Yes! But my faith moves me forward. I give my family everything I have to give, all day, every day and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Read Haley’s full story, “All I Can Give.”

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