Featured Story of the Week: Tackle


Chad’s story is one of growth. When he first learned that his son, Jackson, was autistic, he was in denial. As time went on, Chad now realizes that his son is his hero. What we like about Chad’s story is how relatable he is. Everyone reacts differently when you find out something life-changing. For Chad, he wanted to deny the diagnosis at first. To brush it aside.

I did not want to label him as being autistic. I didn’t want to believe it because once I allowed it in my mind, I knew it would become true in my heart. From now on, this is what we were facing and I wanted nothing to do with that. This wasn’t a problem you could just tackle.

Now, he is there beside his wife doing everything he can for his son to be the best he can be. And when Chad attended a leadership training program, he became aware of just how much Jackson has impacted his life.

I told the group that my son has taught me to never give up. Don’t ever think of throwing in that towel.

You can read the full story, “Tackle.”

Or watch the reading of Chad’s story from the Facing Autism Event

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