Facing Eviction and Housing Insecurity


Edited by Katherine R. Rowell, Ph.D.

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Print Edition & eBook: The Facing Project Press | Release: 04/18/2023 | ISBN: 9798986096131 (paperback) / 9798986096148 (eBook) | Library of Congress Control Number: 2023935239 | 164 pages


Facing Eviction and Housing Insecurity includes the voices of over fifty men, women, and children who have experienced or witnessed housing injustice. The stories follow the lives of adults and children in the throes of eviction and homelessness, and those who are part of the housing systems including the courts, landlords, and advocates.

Topics discussed include poverty, domestic violence, discrimination, mental health, eviction, and housing as a human right. Broken into five sections, Facing Eviction and Housing Insecurity includes a detailed discussion guide and resources to increase empathy and conversations around housing justice that is applicable for any community.


KATHERINE R. ROWELL, PH.D., earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University, and has taught sociology at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, since 1996. She served as the Founding Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at Sinclair Community College from 2008 to 2015. For the past eight years, Dr. Rowell has taught advanced sociology courses in racism and poverty at Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio.

Dr. Rowell has won numerous awards for teaching excellence: the American Sociological Association Teaching Excellence Award (2012); the American Sociological Association Distinguished Teaching Award (2012); Outstanding Community College Professor of the Year by the Council for Advancement of Scholarship and Education and the Carnegie Foundation (2005); and the North Central Sociological Professor of the Year (2005). She is the former board chair of the Dayton International Peace Museum and strives to infuse peace literacy in all of her work. She has traveled with students for over ten years to the U.S. Mexican Border to learn about border issues and has co-organized four trips for students to Guatemala. She has also traveled to over 40 countries including Costa Rica where she participated in a faculty development project learning about peace and recently to Mongolia, where she participated in the North Asian Regional Peace Institute.

In addition, Dr. Rowell co-edited Facing Gun Violence: It’s Always Close to Home for Someone in 2020.

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