Over the past two years, The Facing Project model has been used by nonprofits, higher education, and passionate community activists. Until last month, we had yet to see a Facing Project take shape in a k-12 setting—but that is soon to change.
In the past month, we have been working with two school systems in Ohio to use The Facing Project as a way to bring their students together—as both writers and storytellers—to create dialogue across difference peer-to-peer and school system-to-school system. The details are being sorted out on the project, and we will share updates as they unfold.
We are excited about the possibilities, and we believe The Facing Project model can help k-12 schools with tough conversations such as bullying—as well as provide insight into conversations youth have around their futures (among many more important topics). We also understand that these school systems have limited budgets and resources, and as an incentive to use the model we are waiving The Facing Project affiliation fee for k-12 schools.
If you are in a k-12 setting (or know someone who is) and would like to start a Facing Project within your school system, let us know.
In the meantime, we look forward to our continued partnership with the current Facing Project communities and college chapters.
J.R. & Kelsey, Co-Founders of The Facing Project
Photo credit: Andy Blackledge from Flickr Creative Commons