Stories in Print & on the Web

The Printed Book

Once the stories are collected, you need to share the stories. This can easily be done through your Facing Project book that you will have in print and on your Facing website. Here are the advantages:

You can easily hand a printed book to people while beginning a conversation. We can’t tell you the number of times we’ve pulled “Facing Poverty in Muncie” from our bags and handed it to someone to begin a conversation around those who are surviving in poverty in the Muncie community. In addition, mailing them to lawmakers with a signed note is something that is special and unique in these digital days.

That’s the power of a printed book.

The other advantage of a printed book hinges on events you may plan around your Facing Project. The printed book can be at these events and handed out to attendees.

You can sell printed books. How might the proceeds benefit the organizations working directly with the issue area? How might the proceeds help continue the conversations in your community?

The Online Book/Stories

The online version of a book on your Facing website is an easy way to literally share your community’s story with someone halfway around the world in a matter of seconds. One click and they’re reading about your Facing Project.

Also, because The Facing Project requires you to post each story from your project on your website as an individual blog post, you can Tweet and create Facebook posts for individual stories from your project. All of your followers will have a chance to learn about your community and hear its stories, and the posts draw those people to your Facing website so they can see all facets of your project and the partners involved. It’s a win-win for your community and for your organization.

Brainstorm a few outlets for sharing your stories:


