Life After 60

LIFE AFTER 60: The Golden Years

Edited by Molly Flodder

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Print Edition & eBook: The Facing Project Press | Release: 11/08/2022 | ISBN: 9781734558142 (paperback) / 9781734558159 (eBook) | Library of Congress Control Number: 2022939949 | 120 pages


Beset with health problems, loss, and a peculiar sense of unfamiliarity after retirement, the paths for some through the golden years is at times rocky. But for others, caring for family, loving grandchildren, celebrating friendships, enjoying hobbies, and the busy blur of service and volunteerism have taken them on a whirlwind race, while days planned for relaxing and pondering have been filled to the brim.

LIFE AFTER 60 follows the lives of 25 individuals from 60 to 95 who are defying the odds and living their best lives.


MOLLY FLODDER is a retired executive director for TEAMwork for Quality Living, that sponsored the very first Facing Project in 2012. In her 44 years in Muncie, Indiana, she has worked in public relations for Ball Corporation and Ball Memorial Hospital. She and her husband, Mark, have two daughters and four grandchildren and are active volunteers in several Delaware County programs and projects as well as at First Baptist Church.

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