Featured Story: “Southern Hospitality and Love,” from Facing HOPE in Rome, Georgia

Abuse, Domestic Violence, Drug Awareness, Hope

This week’s featured story comes from Facing HOPE in Rome Georgia.

Told to writer Abbi Strawn, Southern Hospitality and Love is a story about the struggle of survival and breaking the chains of abuse. The storyteller shared her journey from child abuse victim to drug abuser to overcoming domestic violence, all while searching for the feeling of love she felt from the one person who never abused her — her grandmother. Finally, at the age of 29, she has found the courage to get clean and show her own children that love and hope are strong enough to break any cycle.

When I leave Hospitality House, I want to have my own home, and once Christmas comes I would love to decorate my own Christmas tree with my youngest son.  I plan on baking Christmas cookies with him and passing down my grandmother’s tradition: “We bake with love.”  Not only are the cookies going to be made with love, but everything we cook will be made out of love.

To read the full story, click here.

Southern Hospitality and Love sent us on an emotional rollercoaster and did exactly what a story should do.

— The Facing Project Team

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